Specializing in Drainage and Problematic Lawns
Chairs in center of red flowers

Quad Cities Landscape Design Services

We Design-Build Landscape, personally meeting with our Quad Cities clients, getting to know your lifestyle, hobbies, outdoor activities and maintenance preferences. Next, we create a landscape that reflects your vision, personality and needs.


Hardscape landscaping

Such as retaining walls, seated walls, fire pits, outdoor kitchens, outdoor gathering areas, pools, patios, natural walkways, pondless waterfalls, pergolas.

We are an authorized dealer and installer of Latham fiberglass pools.

Swimming Pool Designer


Softscape landscaping

Such as landscape plantings; formal landscape requiring high maintenance, whimsical low landscape with minimal maintenance, native or natural landscape, a personalized landscape plan and design to fit individual lifestyles, berming, backyard ponds.

Rough Grading

Rough grading landscaping

Contouring yards, building berms, finish grade, transplanting trees up to 10" caliper, sodding, hydra-seeding, drill seeding, field tile for drainage issues, prairie restoration, prescribed burning, naturalizing retention ponds, irrigation systems and landscape lighting with bluetooth access.